dilluns, 24 de febrer del 2014


My name is Mònica Nogué and I’m a student in Casa Nostra in Banyoles. I’m really interested in music, literature and dance, especially ballet. I practice ballet twice a week with some of my friends and this makes it more enjoyable. The poepole who I spend most time with are my four best friends Blanca, Mireia, Judit and Marta. The thing which I like best doing is going with them to the cinema or shopping.

I don’t think that the world is a bad place, although I think we would make it better if we focuse only with our things and not with others things. Everyone has to worry about their problems and, in my opinion, nowadays people really like to gossip. There aren’t many things that make me angry, but one thing that annoys me is when people pretend to be who they are not just to impress the others.

As far as the future is concerned, it sometimes worries me that we won’t have enough oil , considering that is one of the most used raw materials today. I’m fairly optimistic about my own future though. In a few years’ time, I see myself studying a career in university and getting good grades.

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