dilluns, 26 de maig del 2014


This time last year, things were getting really exciting for me. I was about to go to Prague with my family and I was really happy for it. I had been looking that forward since my mother told me. I had always wanted to visit Prague as everyone who had gone told me that it’s a really beautiful and lovely place.

Everything changed for me the day I landed there. Everything was going fine when suddenly I fell down the stairs and I had to go to the hospital. I had broken my ankle and I couldn’t move from the hospital during a whole day. Everyone wanted to meet me because I was a foreigner and it wasn’t really that bad, I wasn’t bored at all. They let me go the next day and, although I had to walk with crutches and I had already missed a day, I could see almost all the city during the days left.

These days, I feel that if you are really looking forward to do something, anything can stop you because you’ll almost always have the power make it through somehow or other. So, don’t let anything destroy your happiness! 

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