dilluns, 5 de maig del 2014


The government plans to introduce a new law which will mean that students would have to go to school on Saturday mornings. In my view, this would have some negative consequences.
First of all, I think that this plan would be bad-accepted by the students because nowadays they go to school five days a week and do six hours of class every day. Although they are with their friends, at the end of the day it’s really tired. When they arrive home they can’t do what they want because normally they have homework to do so they finally spent more than six hours studying. I also think that it would be unfair because young people use the weekends to do things they like and can’t do during the week because they don’t have time. Introducing another day of class would mean that they have less time for themselves considering that they already spent 5 days of the week going to school.
If the aim of the government is trying to increase the level of actual students, I don’t think they should do it that way. It seems to me that there’s a better alternative: they could organize learning activities in the weekends encouraging students and making them have fun. 

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