dilluns, 11 de novembre del 2013


2000-2010 decade is defined as a technologic decade or digital revolution for many reasons. There were good things like the creation of ".com", the birth of google or the creation of cell phones with camera and Mp3 players. There were also difficult times, many people suffered the bird flu, in 2008 the economic crisis started and the're where twoo attacks to the Twin Towers.

In the world of music, Britney Spears, the princess of pop-music after Madonna in 1990s, was the image of the decade. Millions of her albums have been sold and she received platinum status 15 times for her album "Baby one more time". Apart fom this, Michael Jackson, the legendary king of pop, died in 2009 causing a big impact to their fans. In cinemas, there were some hits like Billy Elliot, a film which shows us the life of a kid who wanted to become dancer, the Harry Potter films, the wizard-boy, the Lord of the Rings and many others. Fashions changed a lot from sixties. During 2000 to 2010 it was the era of skinny jeans and vintage clothing.

By the end of the decade, the world was a different place. The innovation of new gadgets like facebook, twitter, instagram, whats app and all things around technology changed people's lives. The most memorable events of 2000-2010 decade where when Michael Jackson died, in 2008 or when Spain won the Europe Cup of football.

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